What is SEO? | 100% SEO For Blog On Google | On-page & Off-page I

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Hi Dear Readers, are you looking for 100% SEO of your Blog post. So This Post will definitely help you to understand What is SEO and How to do SEO for Google, for Rank on First Page of Google. First, let’s know some important terms which will help you to understand this post further.

The biggest search engine is Google, So in this post we will talk about SEO in Google, if you learn SEO in Google, then you will be able to do SEO in any search engines easily.

What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

SEO is the process of taking steps to help a website or Blog Post to rank higher position on Google. Although there are many definitions of SEO, but the meaning of SEO which is known by its full form, It is such a process by which you create your content in such a way that the Crawler of Google or other search engine Crawler can be easily understood, and it can be easily crawled and indexed. If you can do it, it calls SEO.

What is SEO?
What is SEO

SEO is the technique and methods through which you can come to the top of the search results (SERP) without paying money in any ad.

According to the searchengineland website, SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. In simple words, SEO means that when people search for products or services related to anything in Google, Bing and other search engines, the process of increasing the ranking of your site and making it better is called SEO. The better your pages rank in search results, the more likely your business is to attract the attention of Users.

Most online searches start with a search engine like Google. Actually, 75% of all searches in the world start on Google. Because its main reason is every smartphone use android Operating System of Google, and It placed their Chrome Browser in Default in Smartphones.

Types Of SEO

In this post, you will learn How to do SEO. Together, you will be able to understand about all types of SEO and how to use it.

There are mainly three types of SEO

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Local SEO

Before learning how to do SEO, you must add your website to Google and other search engines so that the search engine can index your website, and you can rank through SEO.

1. What is On-Page SEO?

In simple words, we can say that On Page SEO to make your Article understandable in the best way for the search engines so that it can be easily indexed and ranked.

On-page SEO (also known as “on-site SEO”) is the way of web page content is indexed for search engines and users. On-page SEO in general involves the use of title tags, content, internal links and URLs.

There are many factors for on-page SEO, which we will tell you in easy language below – in this post, we tell you what are the things that should be kept in mind while doing SEO.

  • Title Tag – The title tag (Heading) is the main element of a web page that summarizes the content found on a page. It will appear in three major places: the browser, the search engine results page, and external sites such as Facebook or Twitter. We’ll see examples of title tags later. There is one important thing to keep in mind. Search engines expect a title tag to include keywords and phrases that describe the intent of the article or page.
Title Tag
Title Tag is Highlighted
  • URL-This is a link to your article or page, you should include the main target Keyword in the URL.
URL of BLog Post
URL of BLog Post
  • Meta Description Tag – The purpose of a meta description tag is to have a brief summary of the content found on a web page. While the title tag is very limited, a meta description gives you a little more space to describe users about what you’re offering, and it’s an opportunity to give them a reason to click through to your page.
Meta Description
Meta Description is Highlighted

Let’s know How to do On-Page SEO?

The things that need to be kept in mind for On-page SEO are below

1. Load Speed of Website-

This is a very important factor for on page SEO of your website. If your website takes more time to load or open the website, then it is not good for on-page SEO. Because if someone comes after searching your site and takes time to open your website, he goes to some other website and that is not good for SEO. And your rank goes down.

Page Speed Load Result
Page Speed Load Result

Check the load speed of your website visit the Page Speed Insight, Here Google tells you the load speed of your website and how to fix it. Your score is more than 70, then your load speed is considered good. It is work on Core Web Vitals of Google SEO factors.

To rank your content on Google or any search engines, you also need to optimize your content:

  • User Experience
  • Visitor’s bounce rate and stay time (time of stay on the website)
  • search intent
  • page loading speed
  • CTR-Click Through Rate (how many people see your website in search and how many clicks)

Apart from this, you should also use this method to reduce the load speed of the website – use simple and lite themes like Rishi theme it is free to use, and it gives you many customization options etc. use less plugins, take web hosting of good server, put the image of less size. You always use WebP format of image, it is new generation image format for optimization, and it’s Apart from this, you can use WP-super cache or w3 cache plugin for cache.

2. Optimize Your Content for On-Page SEO

Now that you’ve seen why on-page SEO still matters, it’s time to start optimizing your content. Specifically, in this post, I am going to show you how to keyword-optimize each and every page of your website.

So if you have ever thought “how do I actually use keywords on my page?”, then you will love the way it is covered in this post.

You can use the best keyword research tools like Aherfs, Keywordtool, Sermrush, Keywordintent etc. for keyword search.

First of all, you have to select the keyword on which you want to write the content. After that, you have to keep these things in mind –

  • Use your target keyword in the first 100 words – Whatever keyword you are writing the content on, definitely write that keyword in the first 100 words of your article.
  • Use the H1 tag in the title of your blog post.
  • Use the important keywords in the subheading in H2.
  • Keyword frequency means how many times the man keyword is written in the post, it also has to be done carefully. Using too many keywords is not good for ranking.
  • Use outbound links, that is, if there is a difficult word, then you can give a link for it, on which people can know about it by clicking on it.
  • Optimize your URL for SEO. Use Keyword in the URL of the content, i.e. the link in your website.

3. Optimize Title and Description Tags (keyword)

According to Google, title tags still “help a lot” with your ranking. So they are worth optimizing.

You can use the best keyword research tools like Aherfs, Keywordtool, Sermrush, Keywordintent etc. for keyword search.

  • Use keywords in your title tag – In my opinion, your title tag is the most important on-page SEO factor. This is because your title tag gives search engines a high-level overview of your page. In my experience, the closer the keyword is to the beginning of the title tag, the easier it is with search engines.
  • Use Modifiers in Title Tags – Using modifiers like “best”, “guide”, “checklist”, “fast” and “review” “free” “top” etc. it will help you rank for your target keywords.
  • Write unique content with keyword in Meta Description – According to Google, using a target Keyword in meta description of your content is good for On-page SEO. This is because a good meta description helps your results stand out, which can increase your organic CTR.

4. Write SEO Friendly Content

If you want to rank your content in search results, then you have to write good SEO content. To rank your content in 2022, your content needs to be:

  • Unique Content
  • Valuable
  • optimized for search engines

And in this post, I will show you how to make sure that your SEO content complete all these 3 factors

1. Unique Content

When I say “unique,” I’m not just talking about duplicate content.

I mean publishing something that doesn’t just republish stuff that’s already written on the internet.

In other words: Content that brings something new and best to the search results. There may be something new in the content, such as

  • using a new method or strategy
  • Create a better list of content
  • Use of strong website design
  • writing a new case study
  • Step-by-Step Writing Process
  • Do not write copy content at all
2. Valuable Content

Publish unique article is a good starting point. But it is not enough. (After all, literally millions of blog posts come out every day.)

So for your content to stand out and attract attention, it has to be super valuable.

Here are some ways you can make your SEO content highly valuable:

  • Add description: Pictures, screenshots and steps make it easy for anyone to put your content into practice.
  • Use internal links.
  • Use Copyright free photos only.
  • Clear Writing: Strong copywriting will make your content more engaging.
  • Updated Content: New strategies, steps and examples take your content farther.
  • Expert Writers: Most of the content is written by people who have never done the work they are asking you to do. Content from someone with direct experience is almost always more valuable than something written by a random freelance writer.

The main thing that makes my SEO checklist post so valuable is the checklist. It starts with user-friendly content.

3. Write Content That Satisfies the Search Intent

Unique, valuable content help you to rank in the first page of Google. But if you want to be there, your page has to satisfy the search intent.

In other words: your page should be exactly what a Google users wants. Otherwise, your page rank is likely to go down further.

5. Optimize for CTR-Click Through Rate

Your organic CTR-click through rate is important for two reasons:

  • First, CTR is a Google ranking factor.
  • Second, increasing your CTR can drive more traffic to your site
What are the ways to increase CTR?
  • Use “question title tag”
  • Fill good content in meta description
  • Use the Review or FAQ schema
  • Add Some Emotion to Your Title
  • Add current year to title and meta description

6. Create Mobile-Friendly-Web Pages

We first know the Google Index for mobile. This means we need to build a web page that will perform well on mobile as this will be the most important deciding factor when Google determines how easy it is to crawl your site.

7. Use HTTPS and SSL in websites

Safety and security are important ranking factors. If Google thinks your site is spammy or sketchy, it won’t give you a first-page ranking.

One way to help filter out the spam from the good websites is through SSL certificates and HTTPS. These are easy to set up and can give you a short lock next to your URL and HTTPS before the URL string. This is an important trust signal, and while it does not provide that much SEO.

Google determines the overall authority of your site by a mixture of two types of authorizations you can create:

  • Domain Authority: which is concerned with the wide distribution of your domain name. For example, Quora.com is very official, because everyone has heard about it and globally used it.
  • Page Authority: which is related to how authoritative a page’s content is (for example, an article).

2. What is Off-Page SEO? How is it done?

What is Off Page SEO? and how to do it properly or what is its technique? Here you are going to get information about all the tips and tricks related to off page SEO, which a beginner blogger needs to rank his blog in Google.

If you are a beginner blogger and want to rank your blog on Google by doing off page SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization. Then you must read this post completely and feel that more people should be told about it.

What is Off Page SEO?

After creating a blog post or website. Through off-page SEO techniques, the method of creating backlinks from other websites or blogs is called off-page SEO. Which is very important for ranking in the search engine, this method helps to increase the Domain Authority of your Blogsite or Websites.

Through Off-Page SEO, people who search on Google with targeted keywords than their blog posts, add links to relevant web pages, which helps in getting the top position in the search engine.

Off-Page Activities:

A lot of work is done in off-page activity, off-page SEO activities play a very important contribution in ranking the blog or website in a good position on the search page of Google. To rank your blog in any search engine, it is very important to have a back-link.

Now let us know what are the Activities come in off-page SEO:

  1. Search Engine Submission
  2. Directory Submission
  3. Bookmarking
  4. Blog Comment
  5. Forum Submission
  6. Question, Answering Site Submission
  7.  Press Release Submission
  8. Guest Posting
  9. Social Networking Site Submission
  10.  Article Submission

All these Activities are helpful in creating Back-links for the blog or website. If all these activities are done on a similar site to the niche of your blog, then it helps to rank your blog page or post in Google Pge more quickly.

How to do Off Page SEO?

For good quality off-page SEO, you have to keep the top 10 things in your mind, but then there are some such things that your blog post gets indexed quickly in Google as soon as the first activity of off-page SEO is that. As soon as your blog post is published, its link should be submitted to the free search engine submission site and then share it on your social media sites.

After this, search the question related to your post on Quora.com and answer the question related to your blog post and link of your post on the targeted keyword so that traffic starts coming to your post.

1. Search Engine Submission

Search Engine Submission– When the link that is created after you publish your blog or article, that link is submitted to the existing search engine submission site. As soon as possible and the crawler of Google reads it and indexes it on its search page.

There are many High PA Search Engine Submission Sites available on the Internet on which you can submit the URL of your Blog post. Not much, even if you submit at least 20 or 25 sites, the work will be done.

2. Directory Submission

Directory Submission– When we submit the URL of our web page on a site with good quality i.e high DA and PA website, then Google considers this link as good and increases its search page position. Therefore, never submit the URL of your blog post on a low quality directory site, no matter how much time it takes to find a high PR directory submission site.

If you can invest a little, then there are many such directory submission sites where the paid service runs, there you can create a high quality back-link by submitting a link to your site.

3. Bookmarking Submission

Bookmarking Submission is also a very effective way to create back-links for your blog posts, but you will have to care to create quality links only on high PA bookmarking sites.

Never choose a bookmarking site with low D.A or P.A in the pursuit of making more links. Otherwise, instead of increasing the ranking of your blog, it may be down, after that a lot of work will have to be done to rank that post. It is better to make a back link from a small but good site in advance and work patiently.

4. Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting also creates a high quality back-link, but for this also you have to choose a blog whose page-rank is good and there is at least one post publish daily on that blog, along with quality back-link from there. Traffic will also be good.

It would be better if you comment on a blog similar to the topic of your blog. Regular visitors of that blog can be diverted to your blog.

While doing blog commenting, it must be kept in mind that your comment should not be spam, otherwise Google can drop your site’s ranking very low.

Put the link of your blog in your comment on the blog where Hyper-link is allowed, and do not force it where it is not allowed, otherwise you may face negative result instead of positive result in ranking.

5. Forum Submission

Forum Submission is also a way to gain High quality back-links, there are many such forum submission sites where you can submit your questions by creating your account, although the site takes some time, then you can insert the link of your blog in Forum submission site.

6. Question, Answering Site Submission

There are many such sites where you answer the given questions, then from there you get help in generating a lot of traffic. Like Quora.com is a very popular question answering site right now. There are many such sites where you can gain backlinks and traffic by answering the given questions.

If you cannot work on all sites, then choose at least Top 10 Question and Answering sites for yourself, on which always keep giving your post related answers and keep getting traffic.

7.  Press Release Submission

What is Press Release Submission? – When there is an update in a highly reputed company or a new product or service is launched, that information is reach out to the public through the media i.e the press, the information that we get from the digital world through text information. In this, by submitting on the press release submission site on the internet, it is sent to the people digitally, which we call press release submission.

8. Guest Posting

High quality back-links are created through guest posting. If you want to make quality back-links of your blog, then first of all you have to make your blog attractive along with your blog post.

If your writing style will be good and you write 100% original content, then many bloggers get ready to contact you and give back-link to their blog.

There are many bloggers who give links on their blogs without any condition. If you contact and talk to the blogger associated with your subject, then a good back link of your blog or website will be created, which will increase the ranking of your blog in Google as well as DA and PA.

9. Social Networking Site Submission

There are many such Social Networking Sites where you can create quality back-links of your blog or website. Famous social sites like Facebook, Twitter are many High PA social networking sites where you can create a profile with the name of your Business or Brand and give it a link to your domain and by sharing your blog post back-link as well as generate a lot of traffic.

10. Article Submission

Article Submission is the very best way of off-page activity, if you write quality articles between 250 to 300 and submit them to high PA article sites, then there you will get quality back-links, which will increase the ranking of your Blog.

For this, you have to select the famous article sites like Ezinearticle.com and submit the article according to its term, then as soon as your article is approved, the back link count will start for your blog.

3. What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that helps your business rank higher in local search results on Google.

Why is Important Local SEO?

SEO Optimization is important for local search, especially for businesses serving specific towns, cities, regions, and even states.

When have properly, local SEO allows people to quickly and easily find information about your business, taking them to attract the customers.

How to do Local SEO?

In this Proccess everything from claiming a business listing to ensuring a franchise location in a local search on Google (a process known as location data or quote management). This also extends to managing online ratings and reviews, local-focused social media engagement, and beyond.

You can use Google Maps and Google Businees app for local SEO. You just have to give information about your business there. And that business has to be verified.

Why SEO is important for Website or Blog?

You have to arise question ever that Why is important SEO for Website or Blog?. So, SEO of website and blog is very important. If you have created a new website then you must have to do SEO then only people will come to your website and you will be able to earn some money through google adsense etc.

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Why is important SEO?

Visibility and Ranking your Website:

When a user searching for a service or product online, users are more likely to choose one of the top five suggestions that search engines show them. SEO helps you rank higher in search results and gain more visibility online, making potential customers more likely to click through to your site and convert.

web traffic:

Simply, if customers can’t find your website, you are missing out on sales opportunities. SEO increases your organic search engine traffic, in turn increasing the number of visitors your page gets per day. This is directly related to increased sales – because the more relevant people who visit your site, the more likely you are to sell product or service to them.

To build a reliable website:

The better your SEO score, the higher you will appear on search engines like Google and Bing. While ranking higher on Google is attracting all brands because of increased visibility, a second advantage is the trust you get with potential customers.

So having a higher position for the keywords the user is searching for, your product or service as trustworthy in the user’s mind.

To enhance user experience:

A well-optimized website clearly show what product or service is being offered, how to get it and answers any questions surrounding it. By building sites according to the user experience, search engines like Google and Bing are able to easily pull up the information they require from users. If a user struggles to navigate your site, chances are the search engines will do the same.

Website and its development:

There is no doubt about it – SEO is the key to the growth of your brand. As we mentioned above, your blog rank high on a search engine for a variety of high-volume keywords, Web traffic that your site will receive. Its as simple as that.

A website that is well optimized is more likely to acquire more customers and make more sales. People are more likely to share your Brand on other social platforms like Facebook or Instagram once they find your website through search engines.

Why SEO is Important for Marketing?

SEO is a fundamental part of digital marketing because people conduct trillions of searches every year, often with commercial intent, to find information about products and services. Search is often the primary source of digital traffic for brands and a companion to other marketing channels.

To get More traffic:

Coming up in the search results from your competitor is very good for you and your business. Like people search about a product, if you sell that product yourself and you earn money by selling that product of someone, then with the help of SEO, you can attract the more people to increase earning in the search result by selling that product.

Frequetly Asked Question (FAQ):

1. What is SEO?

Ans: Search Engine Optimiztion (SEO) is a Process to visible on Higher Rank on search Engine Page Website or Blog Post on Higher Rank on search Engine Page to solve the queries of Users. That they search on any Search Engine.

2. Why is important SEO?

Ans: There are millions of Blog post publish every day on the internet. So, to Rank on First Page of Search Engine, We do SEO for Bolg Post.

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