what is Shab-e-Barat and when is it celebrate? I History I

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It is the night of the highest, Remember me in your prayers

Shab-e-Barat is an important holiday for the Muslim community. Regarded as the ‘night of forgiveness’, it is celebrated along with the festival of Holi. This year, it begins in the evening of March 18, a Friday, and ends in the evening of March 19, Saturday.

As mentioned earlier, it is the night of atonement. According to the Islamic calendar, Shab-e-Barat is observed on the night between the 14th and 15th of Sha’aban, or the eighth month.

It is an extremely pious night, and it is believed that the Almighty readily forgives those who pray sincerely, and ask for their sins to be washed. On this day, people visit mosques, and pray on behalf of their loved ones by going to their graves. They light candles and offer prayers to Allah.

The day is also known as Mid-Sha’ban or Bara’at Night (the night of records).

The Muslim community also believes that on this day, God writes the destinies of people for the coming year, by taking into account their deeds from the previous year. As such, people offer prayers, wish each other ‘Shab-e-Barat mubarak’ and spread good vibes.

They pray all night and also recite the holy Quran. People begin their prayers after sundown with the ‘Isha Ki Namaz’. The next day, before azan, sehri is eaten. Devotees believe that since Shab-e-Barat is the night when Allah decides the fortunes of people, he must be appeased with sincere prayers and acts.

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