What is Brahm? I What does it mean?

what is Brahm?

What is Brahm? A reality? No, Brahm is not real. Brahm is our utmost need. Brahm is our utmost need. Now call Brahm unreal at your own peril. All our life, all we deal with and encounter is destructibles, and all destructibles betray us at some point or the other. That’s their name, that’s their …

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How to check whether your meditation is correct?

mean of meditation

Find true meditation Meditation is true when you can feel no difference between meditation and life. That’s the test. You should be able to see no difference between meditation and life. But quite the contrary happens. I have seen people crazily running after meditation—and why do they want meditation? Because there is a great difference …

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People who do not want to read the Gita!


Krishna is beautiful, but he is tremendously beautiful. Do you understand the word ‘tremendous’? Do you know the word ‘tremor’? That which makes you shake and shiver. Krishna is tremendous. We can very easily tolerate someone who is just beautiful. The problem with being with Krishna is that he would be tremendously beautiful. You need …

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Why one must read Scriptures?

krishna and sudama

Refer to the scriptures. Go to them, listen to them, seek advice from them. Let them tell you what you should do and what you should not do. If you’ll not listen to them, then who is it that you are going to listen to? You’ll either listen to the scriptures or follow the commands …

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Who is Meditation for?/Why do not understand Meditation?

Aacharya prashant

Meditation is for those who have a taste for the mystical. Meditation is for those who have a knack for the unknowable. Unless you are a little crazy, unless you are a little off-center, a little mad by worldly standards, meditation is not for you. The world looks at something and says, “This is how …

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What is Meditation / What is its True Meaning?

meaning of meditation

Meaning of Meditation: Meditation does not mean concentration. Concentration is like the spotlight of a torch that focuses only on one place, but attention is like a bulb that spreads light in all four directions. Usually, the attention of the common people can be very low watts. But the meditation of yogis is like the …

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Why are we not joyable?

Why are we not joyable?

There are many factors of our joyable moments. All of us want joy in entire life. but Why we are not joyable? Happiness or joy is not a thinggs, that is only a moment that gives happiness. that is a harmonal process of our Brain. When a situation happened according to me then we feel …

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