100 Common Psychological Facts about Depression and Anxiety

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Hi Dear valuable Readers welcome to this post. We will explore reason about Psychological facts of Depression and Anxiety. So keep patience and read full to enjoy facts that help to find solution of Depression and you can also help others to out of Anxiety.

Depression is a serious mental illness that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. It is a common illness that affects around 18 million Americans, and it is the leading cause of disability in the United States.

100 Common Psychological Facts about Depression and Anxiety
Psychological Facts about Depression and Anxiety

Depression can cause a person to feel sad, hopeless, and empty all the time. It can also make a person feel like they can’t enjoy anything anymore. People with depression may have problems with sleep, appetite, and concentration.

There is no one-size-fits-all cure for depression, but there are many different treatments that can help. Some people may need medication to treat their depression.

There are 100 Psychological facts about Depression and Anxiety here:-

  1. The word “suicide” comes from two Latin roots, sui (“of oneself”) and cidium (“killing” or “slaying”).
  2. That moment when you randomly feel depressed for no apparent reason may indicate that you’re missing someone.
  3. Hiding your thumb behind all fingers is a sign of nervousness, it indicates that the person wants to remain unnoticed in the group.
  4. Brain-imaging research suggests that the elderly who suffer brain tissue damage due to high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol are more likely to develop depression. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regulatory, and getting appropriate and timely medical care reduces the risk of developing depression in older age.
  5. Sleep is a good indicator of recovery. It is linked with fatigue, memory and concentration .The better you sleep, the better the days are going to avoid depression but in a limited manner not too much or less.
  6. A recent Dutch study suggests that depressed dads are twice as likely to have an infant who cries excessively than dads who are not depressed.
  7. There is increasing evidence that individuals with a family history of suicide are more vulnerable to becoming victims of suicide themselves.
  8. Part of Depression recovery is to start mending broken relationships. This is a huge part of recovery and often an important one to step into the world.
  9. Fifty-eight percent of caregivers for an elderly relative experience symptoms of depression.
  10. Self-mutilation (cutting or burning) is one way in which individuals show they are depressed.
  11. Major depression can lead to physical changes in the brain.
  12. Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression.
  13. Perimenopause (menopause transition) and the resulting reduced and fluctuating hormone levels can trigger depression.
  14. People with depression are five times more likely to have a breathing-related sleep disorder than non-depressed people.
  15. Self-harm and suicidal thoughts are signs of deep trouble during the depression. It must be dealt with immediately and need immediate attention. People who self-harmed themselves twice will do it again. IT must be dealt with immediately .self harm is a cry for help.
  16. During the Middle Ages, mentally ill people were seen to be under the influence of the devil or other evil spirits.
  17. Overweight children feel more lonely and anxious than their normal-weight peers as early as kindergarten. Both boys and girls who felt depressed in kindergarten got worse over time.
  18. Eating seafood rich in Omega-3 may help pregnant women with depression.
  19. Postpartum depression affects about 10% of new mothers, according to the National Women’s Health Information.
  20. Never be worried if someone doesn’t like you for the way you are. Because someone will always like you even more for the same reason.
  21. A person with depression will not look into your eye.
  22. Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.
  23. Researchers have recently found that those who suffer from depression are at risk for low bone mineral density. Depressed women are especially at risk for developing osteoporosis.
  24. Exercise is the easiest and least expensive cure for depression. Just walking 30 minutes a day will help you and sometimes completely alleviate your symptoms. For this very reason, many therapists take walks with clients instead of doing “couch time”.
  25. Depression comes in different forms, such as persistent depressive disorder (also called dysthymia), postpartum depression, psychotic depression, seasonal affective disorder, and major depression.
  26. Different People Cope Differently. Individuals have their own coping strategies to deal with problems. Some may succumb to depression, while others are able to work better under pressure.
  27. The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that depression will be the 2nd highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030, 2nd only to HIV/AIDS. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression currently.
  28. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for people between the ages of 15 and 44.
  29. People who laugh even at silly jokes are the most depressed persons.
  30. A book on depression can go a long way. knowledge is power and empowers an individual. Psychology today and psych central websites are authentic and can be referred. There are a lot of unsympathetic people and inappropriate content on the internet.
  31. Friends are also an important part of depression recovery. we are social animals and we tend to secrete serotonin and other good neurochemicals when we communicate with others. we feel safe in the company of others. Serotonin is found to be at low levels in depression which causes mood swings.
  32. Depression is a purely psychological disease.
  33. Depression makes it hard to give. It’s very hard to think of other people when you’re wrapped in a prickly blanket of sadness, and all you can think about is your pain. Be proactive and just a few steps you need to heal. Try reading a book to help you understand what you are going through and how best to deal with it.
  34. September 10, is celebrated as World Suicide Prevention Day.
  35. The average video gamer is typically 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, overweight, and introverted.
  36. Gratitude is perhaps the most reliable path to a happy life.
  37. Depression is a result of a malfunction of neurotransmitters between neuron synapses. Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, etc.
  38. Severe Depression can cause us to biologically age more by increasing the aging process in cells.
  39. The first suicide recorded in the Bible was Abimelech, who lived in the twelfth century B.C.
  40. Depression is a mental disorder that affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. And it can strike anyone.
  41. Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse, or poverty may make people who are already susceptible to depression all the more vulnerable to illness.
  42. Depressed individuals have two times greater overall mortality risk than the general population due to direct (e.g., suicide) and indirect (medical illness) causes.
  43. Types of depression include major depression, dysthymia, adjustment disorders, and bipolar disorders. Within each of these main categories are several subtypes.
  44. Long-term use of some prescription medications may cause depressive symptoms, such as corticosteroids (Deltasone, Orasone), the anti-inflammatory Interferon (Avonex, Rebetron), bronchodilators (Slo-Phyllis, Theo-Dur), stimulants (e.g., diet pills), sleeping and anti-anxiety pills (Valium, Librium), acne medications (Acutance), some blood pressure and heart medications, oral contraceptives, and anticancer drugs (tamoxifen).
  45. Holding in tears and pretending to be okay puts a lot of stress on your mind as well as your heart. Crying keeps you healthy.
  46. Because the brains of older people are more vulnerable to chemical abnormalities, they are more likely than young people to suffer depression.
  47. The origin of depression can be situational and/or biochemical. If you are experiencing mild to moderate situational depression (resulting from the loss of a job, for example), counseling will help you. Most bio-chemical depressions that are moderate to severe are best treated with a combination of medicine and psychotherapy.
  48. The top predictors for suicide are diagnosable mental condition, co-morbid substance abuse, loss of social support, and access to a firearm.
  49. The spring months of March, April, and May have consistently shown to have the highest suicide rate, 4-6% higher than the average for the rest of the year.
  50. Due to our natural instinct for protection, we naturally tend to focus on the negative of a person more than the positive.
  51. Depression is the type of mental illness that causes people to feel sad for long periods of time, generally more than two weeks. People who feel depressed often describe feeling sad, empty or irritated.
  52. Since the Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937, more than 1,200 people have jumped to their deaths, making it the number one spot in the world for suicides.
  53. At some point in their lives, about one in four Americans will experience depression.
  54. On a worldwide basis, depression ranks fourth as a cause of disability and early death according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.
  55. During 2008, 140 American soldiers committed suicide, breaking all previous suicide records in the military.
  56. Emotional pain is remembered more than physical pain and has more effect on your behaviour that causes depression in most of case.
  57. Unexpected Reinforcements Work Best. When rewards are unexpected, there are better chances of good performance the next time.
  58. Overthinking is the hardest part of depression. when it becomes a habit, it needs consistent effort to get rid of it. Overthinking is problem-solving gone wrong and could be accompanied by anxiety. Mindful meditation is an efficient tool to exercise the brain and CBT can change the thoughts related to it.
  59. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), more than 6% of children suffer from depression and 4.9% of them have major depression.
  60. Depression is experienced as anxiety 65% of the time. Make sure you get an accurate diagnosis, so you can get the most effective treatment available. There is a saying in psychotherapy, “No pills without skills.” If you are taking medication you should also be getting therapy.
  61. Don’t feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.
  62. Depression can be as hard on your loved ones as it is on you. Those closest to you may start to feel unloved and may distance themselves so they aren’t pulled into your pain. Remember that others are counting on you.
  63. Freud, who revolutionized the practice of psychiatry with his theories of the unconscious, postulated that depression comes from anger turned against oneself.
  64. Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you. If you have thoughts of suicide, please call someone immediately. Don’t let a temporary glitch in your thinking cause you to harm yourself or another.
  65. Regular Breaks help us learn more. Allegedly, taking regular breaks while trying to memorize some material help us do it faster and more efficiently according to survey.
  66. Mindful meditation can offer great insight into oneself. But it can be difficult to do as it is all about concentration. It should be done at the end of recovery. It can make one aware of the problems before it arises
  67. Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6 million American adults in a given year.
  68. The high rate of home foreclosures has plunged many homeowners into depression. Researchers suggest that the foreclosure crisis is, consequently, a health crisis.
  69. Your Depression can result in two major changes in the way you sleep. sleep too much(hypersomnia) or sleeping too little(insomnia).
  70. The lifetime risk of developing depression in those born in the decades after WWII is increasing. The age of depression onset is becoming increasingly younger. Today the average age for the onset of depression varies between 24-35 years of age, with a mean age of 27.
  71. A depressed woman is more likely to give birth early, increasing health risks for both the woman and the baby. Between 14 and 23% of pregnant women experience some sort of depressive disorder.
  72. Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may become socially withdrawn or become violent, or abusive.
  73. The total cost of depression in the United States are estimated to be $44 billion: $12 billion in direct costs of treatment, $8 billion in premature death, and $24 billion in absenteeism and reduced productivity at work. These do not include out-of-pocket family expenses, costs of minor and untreated depression, excessive hospitalization, general medical services, and diagnostic tests.
  74. The first scientific study of suicide was Le Suicide written by French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917).
  75. Alcohol is a depressant. So are marijuana and a host of other recreational and street drugs. Self-medication is not going to get you better and will surely make you worse over time. Remember that all medications, including anti-depressants, have side effects.
  76. Depression can increase the risk of developing other health issues.
  77. Although depression is treatable, many people wait years before they get help; often delaying as many as six to eight years after the first symptoms occur. As is the case with any illness, it is essential to not delay getting help. There are many local resources that can help!
  78. A kind of depression called hospitalism (anaclitic depression) can be seen in institutions where children did not receive enough emotional care. These children become apathetic and withdrawn, even though they may be cared for physically.
  79. Anxiety and depression disorders are closely related. Nearly 50% of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
  80. Sunlight can help in secretion of serotonin. It’s important to get out of the house and walk in the morning sun. It can boost vitamin D and serotonin production which is good for fighting depression.
  81. William Styron wrote about his experiences with major depression in the book Darkness Visible. He described depression as “a howling tempest in the brain,” “dreadful, pouncing seizures of anxiety,” and a “kind of numbness, an enervation, an odd fragility—as if my body had actually become frail, hypersensitive, and somehow disjointed and clumsy.”
  82. There is some evidence that suicide attempts during the first week of the menstrual cycle may be associated with low levels of estrogen.
  83. Author Sylvia Plath described her depression in terms a bell jar, which is a glass dome placed over fragile items to protect them. Her metaphor catches the terrifying sense of feeling both disconnected and suffocated; she can’t join with others and others can’t reach her.
  84. Author Sylvia Plath described her depression in terms of a bell jar, which is a glass dome placed over fragile items to protect them. Her metaphor catches the terrifying sense of feeling both disconnected and suffocated; she can’t join with others and others can’t reach her.
  85. Overthinking is a special form of fear. This fear becomes worse when adding anticipation, memory, imagination, and emotion together.
  86. Researchers have found that the most troubling and disabling factor among Parkinson’s patients was depression rather than the physical limitations caused by the disease or the effects of the medicine.
  87. A small amount of stress helps you to remember things better but a large amount hinders your memory.
  88. Persistent irritability can be a symptom of depression. If the world, your life, or your loved ones constantly tick you off, the cause might be something that’s going on inside of you. That anger can lead to lashing out or withdrawing from those who love you. Neither one will get you what you need.
  89. Sleep more or minimum of 7 hours a day. Sleep makes you more creative and makes your memories stronger plus it releases the stress and pain from your body and decreases the anxiety and depression for a better life.
  90. Talk with yourself once a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an excellent person in the world.
  91. No one knows exactly what causes depression, but it can occur for a variety of reasons. Susceptibility can be passed on in families through genes, but this does not mean that a person who has a family member with depression will have the same experience. The cause is complex and likely a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. What we do know is that it is not a character flaw or caused by personal weakness.
  92. Some experts believe that 25% of drivers who die in auto accidents cause them subconsciously. “Autocides” are suicides disguised as automobile accidents.
  93. Four out of five people who commit suicide have attempted to kill themselves at least once previously.
  94. Sufferers of depression may experience more cognitive impairment on less sunny days than on sunny days.
  95. Positive events, such as graduating, getting married and a new job often lead to depression.
  96. Build good habits, changing habits will change your life! You cannot change your future but you can change your habits and surely your habits will change your future.
  97. Experiencing depression can cause people to withdraw from others in their lives such as their family, friends, or partners. Many people who have depression have a hard time in school or work. They miss assignments, can’t concentrate on their work, or feel overwhelmed by activities. This can lead to missing school or work.
  98. Many creative individuals have experienced depression, including Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sylvia Plath
  99. Some diseases are interconnected with depression, such as thyroid problems, heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, obstructive sleep apnoea, and chronic pain.
  100. Intelligence increases with experience. This is in relation to “Experiential Intelligence”. It refers to the “Street-Smartness” of people. So take as much experience as you can, it’ll make you more mature to deal with life problems 🙂

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