What is definition of Psychology in English? History of Psychology I Facts

What is definition of Psychology in English?

What is definition of Psychology in English? Psychology is a science that studies the mental behavior and physical processes. Behavior includes human behavior as well as the behavior of animals and birds. or Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior. The word psychology is derived from two Greek words ‘psyche’ meaning ‘mind’ or self’ …

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Why and When world Health Day celebrated? I Facts I History I

Why celebrate World Health Day

When World Health Day celebrated? World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7th April. The World Health Organization was also established on this day, due to which many programs are organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) on this day. When World Health Day was celebrated for the first time? The World Health Organization …

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Top 10 most life-changing Spiritual Quotes of Aacharya Prashant

Quotes of Aachrya Prashant

“Don’t look elsewhere. Look where you are. See what you are doing. And pray that you get the power to reject the falseness in yourself, in your thought, in your actions.” “Only two kinds of associations are right in this world. If you associate with someone who is at a higher level of consciousness. then …

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What is Lamassu? Where was the Lamassu found? History I Facts

What is Lamassu?- History

What is Lamassu? Lamassu is a mythical creature present in ancient Assyrian architecture. In the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia, this fearsome creature was known as Lamassu. Lamassu always had the body (and therefore strength) of a bull, but the head of a human ( and hence wisdom). They also often had eagle wings. The Sumerian …

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Is caste-system of any use?what is definition in real.

caste system of india

Caste belongs to just the ego. What is caste, first of all? It is a kind of division, right? It is a kind of divisionโ€”division that says that here is this person who must engage in this kind of occupation and here is this person who must engage in this kind of occupation. The Upanishad …

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