When is celebrate Holi ? I facts behind it I Sacred festival of Hindu I

Holi is Celebrated by Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan as well in countries with large Indian subcontinent diaspora populations such as Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Mauritius, and Fiji. Holi is one of the most important Hindu festivals celebrated with great fervour in India. …

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what is Shab-e-Barat and when is it celebrate? I History I

Shab-e-Barat is an important holiday for the Muslim community. Regarded as the โ€˜night of forgivenessโ€™, it is celebrated along with the festival of Holi. This year, it begins in the evening of March 18, a Friday, and ends in the evening of March 19, Saturday. As mentioned earlier, it is the night of atonement. According …

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Why do we have “dreams”?-Reason

Why do we have dreams?

Dreams are the stories and pictures that form in our minds while we sleep. They can be amusing, funny, romantic, disturbing, terrifying, and sometimes bizarre. Dreams have been an enduring source of mystery to scientists and psychological doctors. The real secret of dreams No one has been able to know why dreams come? Why do …

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Five most powerful life changing quotes if you actually want!

Only two kinds of associations are right in this world. If you associate with someone who is at a higher level of conciousness. then hold his hand so that he can uplift you. And if you associate with someone who is at a lower level of conciousness, then hold his hand to uplift him. Any …

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Greatness does not enjoy exhibition!

Greatness does not enjoy exhibition!

Greatness by its nature loves to remain latent and unmanifest. Greatness does not enjoy the exhibition. Exhibitionism does not sit well with Truth. Truth is quite a sleepy thing; it does not want to display itself. It just remains relaxed, sleeping, tucked away in some corner, away from the public eye. Only when there is …

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Top three iconic poems

My poor thaught On my way to achieving my goal am i really living alone or playing a lead role in theatre of my own life, except me, which keeps all aside I already knew these things still I stop at my every scary thought Oh! my poor heart Discouraging sound from other when came …

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The leader is a pathbreaker in the real sense!

The leadership that you mostly talk of is not leadership at all. It is just hunger. It is an inner hollow that wants to be filled by the number of followers. There is also a more real, more joyful, non-dual model of leadership, where to be a leader you donโ€™t need followers. To understand that …

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Why are happening things automatically in life?

Why are happening things automatically in life?

If I am always in the need of entertainment, I want to watch a movie, I want to do something that takes away my boredom, then obviously I want to change. If my mind does not stay in one place and is always wandering from here to there, then obviously my mind wants a change. …

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