The leader is a pathbreaker in the real sense!

The leadership that you mostly talk of is not leadership at all. It is just hunger. It is an inner hollow that wants to be filled by the number of followers. There is also a more real, more joyful, non-dual model of leadership, where to be a leader you don’t need followers. To understand that …

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Why are happening things automatically in life?

Why are happening things automatically in life?

If I am always in the need of entertainment, I want to watch a movie, I want to do something that takes away my boredom, then obviously I want to change. If my mind does not stay in one place and is always wandering from here to there, then obviously my mind wants a change. …

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Maya will come, rest assured!-Spiritual Quotes

Maya will come, rest assured!

Any ordinary man, any ordinary woman would come in contact with you, and that contact will be the contact of Maya, rest assured. But when a Shri Krishna comes in contact with you, something extremely unusual happens. It is not that now Maya will take you further in its fold; rather that contact with Shri …

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What is the Highest State of a Human Being?-conciousness

conciousness is the highest being of human

That is not too important a question. What matters is whether you are better today compared to your previous self yesterday. You have to be better relative to yourself. Talking too much of the grand absolute not only is not helpful, but can actually be deception towards oneself. You can keep talking of the highest …

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When do you say that a man is alive?

What is life all about? When do you say that a man is alive? To be alive means to know, and know not from the past, not from any external source. Know right now! Attentiveness. To be alive means to be free. To be alive means that the mind is unburdened, unconditioned, that the mind …

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waht is meaning of Complete Knowledge?

Complete knowledge does not mean a lot of information: complete knowledge does not mean that you have become a super Google. Complete knowledge is a different center of life altogether. When it comes to information, you will never have total, whole, and absolute information; not possible. But when it comes to living totally, wholly, aboslutely, …

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Sprituality:points to ponder

Spirituality isn’t about God or consciousness. All spirituality is essentially about not being stupid. Its about being really ‘fool-proof’. No ritual is spiritual. Spirituality – Truth above self. To not to be spiritual is to be a social slave. Without an essential spiritual dimension to the relationship, an element of fear, suspicion and exploitation will …

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Why know Alexander III as Alexander the great? I History I facts II

Name-Alexander The The Great Born:-356 BCE, Pella,Macedon, Greece Died:-June 13,323 BCE,,Babylon,iraq Father:-Philip II of Macedon Mother:-Olympias of Epirus Religion:-Ancient Greek religion History Why is Alexander Great famous? Although king of ancient Macedonia for less than 13 years, Alexander the Great changed the course of history. One of the world’s greatest military generals, he created a …

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When and Why International women’s Day is celebrated and what is the History and Facts behind it?

When and Why International women's Day is celebrated and what is the History and Facts behind it?

we all of us know that March 8th has celebrated as International women’s dayin countries arond the world.Women are strong, powerful and invincible. With thousands of mantras encouraging women’s existence every day, a special day is indeed a necessity to celebrate women’s achievements in all aspects of life. Whether she’s a teacher, homemaker, economist, engineer …

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